Meet The CraftCodeCrew

This blog began in 2018, created by a group of students from DHBW (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg) in Karlsruhe, Germany. At the time, we were all employed at major German enterprises, spending half our time on-site and the other half in university.

Originally called Billige Plätze (Cheap Seats) due to our habit of sitting in the back row of the classroom, the blog was soon renamed to CraftCodeCrew. After graduating in 2018, we pursued different career paths, and in 2020, three of us came together to found CraftCoders.

Please note that the older posts were written in our early 20s by non-native English speakers. You may notice some youthful tone and minor language errors. We've chosen to keep these articles as they were originally written. We hope you enjoy reading them!

Clean Code: The hard facts and figures

Sebastian GellweilerClean Code, Field Report, Java

A couple of weeks ago I began to read Uncle Bob’s old developer bible: Clean Code. I was excited about the presented concepts and put a lot of thought into applying them into code. One day I was lying on the couch of our office, reading Chapter 2: Meaningful Names. Meanwhile, I overheard our team discussing the best troll name … Read More

The Stuttgart Hackathon Diary

Dominik JülgField Report, Hackathon

Day one on the Stuttgart Hackathon. Our team arrived in three parts: – The hardcore ones who even took some vacation to get there in time. – The cool ones who arrived later – and there is Leon…In this blog post, I am going to give you an impression of the hackathon. Day 1 Dear diary, it’s the first day … Read More

A deep dive into Apache Cassandra – Part 1: Data Structure (was not continued)

Leon GottschickField Report, Java, Tutorials

Hey guys, during my studies I had to analyze the NoSQL database Cassandra as a possible replacement for a regular relational database.During my research I dove really deep into the architecture and the data model of Cassandra and I figured that someone may profit from my previous research, maybe for your own evaluation process of Cassandra or just personal curiosity. … Read More

AI as a Service – a Field Report

Leon GottschickBots, C#, Field Report, Machine learningLeave a Comment

In this blog post I describe my experiences with AI services from Microsoft and how we (team Billige Plätze) were able to create hackathon award winning prototypes in roughly 24 hours with them. The post is structured according to the hackathons we participated and used AI services in, as of now (11.06.2018) there are 2 hackathons where we used AI … Read More