Meet The CraftCodeCrew

This blog began in 2018, created by a group of students from DHBW (Duale Hochschule Baden-Württemberg) in Karlsruhe, Germany. At the time, we were all employed at major German enterprises, spending half our time on-site and the other half in university.

Originally called Billige Plätze (Cheap Seats) due to our habit of sitting in the back row of the classroom, the blog was soon renamed to CraftCodeCrew. After graduating in 2018, we pursued different career paths, and in 2020, three of us came together to found CraftCoders.

Please note that the older posts were written in our early 20s by non-native English speakers. You may notice some youthful tone and minor language errors. We've chosen to keep these articles as they were originally written. We hope you enjoy reading them!

A quick Introduction to Jib

Leon GottschickJava, TutorialsLeave a Comment

Hey guys, last week I stumbled upon an announcement on the Google Cloud Platform. They presented a new open-source tool which aims to ease the containerization of your Java project. Without even reading the whole announcement, I declared it the topic of my next blog post. Well, here it is 🙂 What is Jib? Jib is a containerizer for Java … Read More

Xamarin: Tabbed Page Navigation

Danny NatemeAndroid, C#, iOS, Tutorials, XamarinLeave a Comment

If you have a background in native mobile development and for some reason had to switch to Xamarin, you are probably familiar with that “oh yeah, it doesn’t work this way here” feeling. Having to find new solutions for problems you haven’t even considered to be problems before is what I would call business as usual in Xamarin. Call me … Read More

Getting Started with Telegrams AbilityBot

Dominik JülgBots, Java, TutorialsLeave a Comment

This getting started is for developers who want to create a telegram chatbot with Java. There are many articles on the internet explaining how to create a chatbot based on the so-called LongPollingBot. But development works much faster and easier with the AbilityBot, which will be our topic for today. In the course of the article we are going to … Read More